Adam V’Adama – Education, Agriculture, Excellence

Since the 2015 the High School expanded into an educational-agricultural network operating in the Arava desert, the Tavor mountain, in the Golan Heights and in Nitzanim near by the Gaza envelop.

Our High School helps install leadership and values in our young students, born out of the national need to strengthen Israel’s agricultural sector. 
Our goal is to revive the combination between education and agriculture as was done in the dawn of Zionism and the foundation of the State of Israel, while promoting educational excellence and gaining life-skills.

Adam V’Adama High School Network was established by HaShomer HaChadash with the aim of educating the young generation to love the land and connect to its soil, while also offering significant help to Israeli farmers.
We believe that agriculture is a cornerstone of our national future and that working the land is the basis for values of leadership and responsibility, perseverance, and humility.
In 2015 we established our first high-school in the heart of the Arava desert, under the supervision of Israel’s Ministry of Education. Leaders of the Land uses educational methods considered to be path-breaking, both in Israel and elsewhere, that combine real-life tasks with meaningful studies.
Our students come from all parts of Israel, from both secular and religious backgrounds. This is in accordance with our avowed aim of creating an involved, connected, and inclusive Israeli society.
HaShomer HaChadash sees itself as a developing force in Practical Zionism, operating in a national and pioneering spirit, and inspired by the HaShomer organization which operated in Palestine in the early days of Zionism. Our organization conducts and leads a variety of educational and volunteering activities in Israel’s agricultural areas and open spaces.

Adam V’Adama – Nitzanim

Adam V’Adama – Golan Heights

Adam V’Adama – Tavor

Adam V’Adama – Arava

The Founders

Adam V’Adama Network was born out of a dream shared by two friends, who met while serving in an IDF elite unit – 669 in the Air force. Amit Meir and Yossi Montag made their first steps as educators in “Masa” Program, where they met thousands of youngsters seeking to understanding their roots and their connection to the Land of Israel. Amit, born to a farmer’s family in the Arava desert, and Yossi, who grew up in Netanya in a religious-Zionist family, recognized the agricultural and educational crisis in Israel. They questioned why the process of creating meaning and connection to the State and our nations root, accrues only in the army service, in meaningful gap year programs and in post army programs – Why not begin the process earlier on in School? In 2015 they established the first Adam V’Adama High School in the Arava desert within the framework of HaShomer HaChadash organisation aiming to create a meaningful school for children while having them work and engage the land of Israel and significantly assist farmer in this peripheral area. Today, the high-school has become a Network with 4 High schools across Israel.

מספרים עלינו

מרים יערי, תקוע/ בוגרת מחזור א

״התכנית גרמה לי לחזק את תחושת השייכות ואהבת הארץ. העבודה החקלאית נתנה לי ביטחון עצמי, זמן ושקט לחשיבה ובנוסף הבנה של תהליכיות וסיפוק גדול. למורים בתוכנית הרבה יותר אכפת ממך, לדוגמא בלימודי הפיזיקה והמתמטיקה חיים שמלמד אותנו מקפיד עם כל חניך שהוא מבין את החומר. באופן אישי אני מרגישה שבדרך כלל יותר קל לי ללמוד אחרי שעובדים בבוקר כי אני מגיעה יותר מרוכזת ועם רצון ללמידה.״


צוף כבשנה, קיבוץ לביא / בוגר מחזור א'

״הגעתי לתכנית כי רציתי לעשות משהו יותר משמעותי עם החיים שלי, לא לעשות כל מה שהילדים בעולם עושים מגיעים לביה״ס לומדים, מעבירים את הזמן והולכים לישון. מאז שהגעתי מה שלמדתי על עצמי זה שבאמת, אני יכול לעשות דברים משמעותיים, אני לא חייב להישאר כל הזמן באותו מקום, אני יכול לשנות, אני יכול להשפיע אני יכול להתקדם בחיים, אני לא חייב להיות אחיד כמו כולם.״


דניאל זנו, ערד / בוגר מחזור א

״התקופה ב״אדם ואדמה״ הגשימה לי את המטרות והשאיפות שקיוותי אליהן, אינספור החוויות, למדתי את ערך הציונות דרך הידיים בעבודה בחקלאות ודרך הרגליים לאורכה ולרוחבה של מדינת ישראל, למדתי את ערך השיתוף, העזרה ההדדית. עכשיו אחרי התכנית אני רואה את עצמי כאדם בוגר יותר, יותר אחראי, יותר מבין את הזולת.״


זהר אנטין, גבעת שמואל / בוגרת מחזור א

״זה פשוט מדהים לעבד את האדמה וליישב את הערבה, יש את הרגע הזה שמסיימים את החממה לפני הזמן ורואים את החקלאי מאושר ושמח שעזרנו לו וזה באמת רגע מדהים, שווה לבוא לפה בשביל זה.״


:What our students say about us

Miryam Ya’ari, Tekoa / among the program’s first graduates

“Taking part in the program strengthened my sense-of-belonging and my love of the land. The agricultural work helped raise my self-confidence, and gave me time and calm for contemplation, alongside a great sense of accomplishment and a better understanding of complex processes. The program’s teachers really care about each student – for example, Haim, who taught us Physics and Maths, made sure that every one of us fully understood the material. I found it easier to study after a morning’s work, because I entered the classroom more concentrated and eager to learn.”


Zohar Antin, Givat Shmuel / among the program’s first graduates

“It’s just amazing to work the land and settle the Arava desert. There was a moment – we finished preparing the greenhouse before schedule, and could see how pleased and happy the farmer was that we were able to help him – this was truly an amazing moment. It’s worth joining the Program just for such moments.”


Daniel Zeno, Arad / among the program’s first graduates

“The time I spent in Leaders of the Land fulfilled all my goals and hopes. I’ve had so many experiences. I’ve learned Zionist values using my hands in agricultural work and using my feet hiking all over Israel. I’ve learned the value of sharing and mutual assistance. Now, as a graduate, I see myself as more mature, more responsible, and more understanding of others.”


Tsuf Kvashna, Kibbutz Lavie / among the program’s first graduates

“I joined the Program because I wanted to do something more meaningful with my life. I didn’t want to spend my time like all other kids – go to school, pass the time, and go to sleep. Since joining the Program I realized that I can really, genuinely, do meaningful things. I don’t have to stay in the same place all the time, I can change, I can have an influence, I can move on with my life, I don’t have to be just like all the others.”

בואו נדבר

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